To prevent unethical conduct, positive values must be committed to and prioritized throughout the sport system. When sport is values-based, it has the power to positively influence behaviour and create a culture that instills character, strengthens communities, and increases opportunities for excellence. The Nova Scotia Safe Sport Working Group (SSWG) recognizes True Sport as an approach to foster a sporting culture free from maltreatment while maximizing the potential to be valued as a public asset.
The Nova Scotia True Sport Athlete Ambassador Program engages a diverse cohort of athletes who use their voices to share their passion for True Sport. The athletes were selected through the Support4Sport VIP Coaching Program with the goal of increasing awareness, understanding, and engagement of values-based sport. This project is a component of Nova Scotia’s commitment to safe sport.
Growing up on a farm, I discovered my passion for horses at an early age. After exploring several different riding disciplines, I settled on English riding. Traditionally, in Nova Scotia, English riding has been predominantly done by females. I believe in the True Sport Principles “Play Fair” and “Respect Others,” including athletes, coaches, organizers, judges, volunteers, and everyone who helps make Equestrian an amazing sport. As a Nova Scotia True Sport Athlete Ambassador, I will be promoting the seven True Sport Principles so that everyone can relate them to their sport experiences.